Saturday, April 14, 2012

Apple Sweetness Infograph

Here's a handy-dandy apple infograph titled The Spectrum of Apple Flavors, from sweet to tart. Not sure where this originates from (if you know the source please share) but it's quite clever. The chart shows the natural sweetness of apples as well as the best uses of each apple, such as making apple pie or them eating fresh ~ yum!

The Spectrum of Apple Flavors

I knew Granny Smith apples are tart and that Red Delicious apples are a bit sweeter, but I've often wondered where the rest of the apples fall in the sweet/tart range and what their best culinary use is. The best apples I've ever eaten were fresh organic Gala apples -- they were incredibly juicy and bursting with flavor.

Interesting to note that the Rome variety of apples are the only ones not recommended for eating fresh, hmm... curious. I don't have much experience with Rome apples, so I'm not sure why this is.
It would be interesting to see a diagram categorized by texture, too. How do flavor and texture determine the best use of different apples? Some apples are very crisp, others have a very soft, fine texture, with still others are quite grainy. Which variety of apples do you like the best? What's your favorite way to use apples?

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